Meet The Alpha Generation

The Alpha Generation has Arrived! 

How can we effectively understand, engage, reach, and lead them towards Christ? 
The Alpha generation by the way is made up of those born in the year 2010 and after. Which means the oldest among Gen Alpha are 14 years old, just 2 years away from earning college credit in high school, and they will be full blown young adults in just 4 years. Here are 3 key traits of the Alpha Generation shared by Dr. Rob Hoskins via the youngadultstoday podcast: (listen here) (watch here)

  1. Authenticity: Young adults are seeking out leaders and communities that are filled with authenticity. This means congruence between the public life of the community and the private life of leadership... 

  2. Autonomy: The dominant worldview of Gen Alpha is expressive individualism. A danger of this is when individuals desire community with no accountability. The redemptive side of autonomy is that Jesus values our personal relationship with Him. 

  3. Agency: Young adults are very altruistic and a deeply missional generation. It’s time to pair the cause driven generations with the cause driven mission of the local church! 

You may enjoy reading the global youth report put out by One Hope!  

Watch/Listen to the whole conversation with Dr. Rob Hoskins “Meet The Alpha Generation”

Reflection + Discussion Question: 

  • Which generation are you a part of? 

  • What could the future of the church look like?

  • One other finding Dr. Rob Hoskins shared about is that our discipleship methods should look a little more like Thomas than Peter. How could this change things?

  • If you found this article helpful - consider sharing it on your social media or emailing it to your team!

Josiah Kennealy